Graves "The Heavy Hitters Tour"
Graves "The Heavy Hitters Tour"
Obsolete Music, Greyscale Records, WMB Bookings And WWDOTW present

Graves "The Heavy Hitters Tour"

with Body Prison, Cultists
Crowbar Sydney (Leichhardt, NSW)
Sunday, 8 June 2025 8:00 pm
97 days away
18 Plus
Heavy Metal

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18+ General Admission
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Graves Heavy Hitter Tour - “Back on the road around Australia are metalcore act Graves! They’ve been enjoying a welcomed return and are excited to follow on the release of last years Self-Titled Two-Track and return tour with a 2025 the Heavy Hitter’s Tour with Body Prison and Cultist. Who knows, maybe you’ll enjoy more new Graves music on this tour?”